Kevin Francis Donlon presently serves as the Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Zanzibar and the Episcopal Vicar for the Anglican Union. He has served Church of the Resurrection, Tampa, an Oratory Parish established in 2002.
He as ordained in The Episcopal Church USA in 1989,
Letters Dimissorry to the Diocese of Kigali in 2002, the Diocese of Northern Malawi in 2011, the Diocese of Dunkwa in 2016 and the Diocese of Zanzibar in 2019.
He served as Curate at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Lakeland FL ( Diocese of Central Florida) from 1989-1991.
Vicar at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Wake Forest, NC ( Diocese of North Carolina) from 1991-1993.
Associate Rector at Church of the Holy Comforter in Charlotte, NC (Diocese of North Carolina) from 1993-1996.
Rector at Saint Mary’s Church and School in Tampa, Florida (Diocese of Southwest Florida) from 1996-2002. H
Rector of Resurrection Parish ( Diocese of Kigali 2002-2017)
Consecrated and Ordained to the Episcopate as Assistant Bishop in 2017 and translated to Zanzibar in 2019.
He also has served as the Canon for Ecclesiastical Affairs for the Anglican Mission from 2005 -2017.
Bishop Kevin’s focus in ministry has emphasized the need for fundamental Theological Education for clergy and laity as well as Canon Law and Ecclesiology. He was a member o The Global South Anglican (GSA) Theological Formation and Education Task Force. Additionally, he is a member of the Ecclesiastical Law Society, Canon Law Society of America and the Society for the Law of the Eastern Church.
Bishop Donlon holds :
BA in Philosophy from Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception Seminary, NY ( USA).
M.A in Systematic and Catechetical Theology from Saint John’s University, NY ( USA).
The Post Graduate Diploma in Anglican Studies from the General Theological Seminary, NY (USA).
The Ph.D. in Historical Theology from the Graduate Theological Foundation (USA) and the Oxford University Summer Programme in Theology ( Kellogg College, UK).
The LL.M in Canon Law from Cardiff University (UK).